InviCure IVF

Embryo Freezing

Are you looking for the best embryo freezing services in India? Then you have come to the right place. At InviCure IVF, we possess a comprehensive understanding of embarking on the journey to parenthood with the assistance of reproductive technology. Our team of skilled fertility experts will not only guide you through the processes but also ensure simplicity throughout.

Embryo freezing also referred to as embryo cryopreservation, involves the preservation of embryos at extremely low temperatures for extended storage. This technique is commonly employed in assisted reproductive technologies like in-vitro fertilization (IVF), wherein embryos are created in a laboratory setting and subsequently transferred to a woman’s uterus to achieve pregnancy.

Why is embryo freezing done?

There are several reasons why embryo freezing may be done:

  1. Preservation of embryos for future use: One of the primary reasons for embryo freezing is to preserve embryos for future pregnancy attempts. This can be beneficial in situations where a woman is not ready to conceive immediately or wishes to delay pregnancy for personal or medical reasons. By freezing embryos, they can be stored for an extended period and used in subsequent attempts to achieve pregnancy. This is particularly relevant in assisted reproductive technologies like in vitro fertilization (IVF), where the embryos are created outside the body and can be cryopreserved for future use.
  2. Enhancement of IVF success rate: During the IVF process, multiple embryos are often generated to increase the chances of success. However, not all embryos may be suitable for immediate transfer to the uterus during a single IVF cycle. Freezing the surplus embryos enables their preservation and provides the option of utilizing them in subsequent IVF cycles if the initial cycle does not result in pregnancy. This approach increases the chances of achieving a successful pregnancy without the need for undergoing the entire IVF process again.
  3. Preservation of fertility in the face of medical treatments: Certain medical treatments, such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy, can have detrimental effects on a woman’s reproductive capacity. Embryo freezing offers a means of preserving fertility in such circumstances. By freezing embryos before undergoing these treatments, a woman can safeguard her fertility potential. After the medical treatment is completed, the stored embryos can be thawed and transferred to the uterus to attempt pregnancy. This allows individuals facing fertility-threatening treatments to have the opportunity to conceive using their preserved embryos.

What is the procedure for embryo freezing?

The typical process of embryo freezing involves the following stages:

  1. Preparation of the embryos: The embryos undergo meticulous preparation prior to freezing. This involves thorough washing to remove any excess culture medium and ensure optimal condition for preservation.
  2. Addition of cryoprotectant: To safeguard the embryos during the freezing process, they are introduced into a solution containing cryoprotectants. These cryoprotectants serve to prevent the formation of damaging ice crystals within the cells.
  3. Cooling: The embryos are gradually cooled down to an extremely low temperature of approximately -196°C using a specialized freezing apparatus known as a cryostraw or cryotop. This controlled cooling process, called vitrification, facilitates the preservation of the embryos.
  4. Storage: Once the embryos have been frozen, they can be stored for an extended period in a liquid nitrogen tank. Typically, the embryos are placed in a specific container called a straw, which is carefully positioned within the tank to ensure safekeeping.

It is important to note that embryo freezing is often employed in conjunction with assisted reproductive technologies such as in vitro fertilization (IVF). The specific steps and techniques utilized may vary depending on the clinic or facility where the procedure is conducted.

What is the risk of Embryo Freezing?

At Invicure IVF, we prioritize minimizing the risks associated with frozen embryo transfer (FET) and ensuring a smooth treatment experience for our patients.

  1. Avoiding blood damage: During the thawing process, there is a risk of injury to the fragile embryos. Improper thawing can lead to the formation of ice shards, which can burden the embryos and cause harm. To mitigate this risk, we employ state-of-the-art thawing techniques that are specifically designed to maximize the survival rates of the embryos. Our cutting-edge methods ensure that the embryos are handled with utmost care to minimize the potential for blood damage.
  2. Preventing loss of cells: Embryos are composed of tens of cells, and occasionally, some cells may be lost during the thawing process. However, a 100-cell embryo typically possesses enough resilience to withstand such conditions and remain robust enough for successful implantation within the uterus. We understand the importance of preserving the integrity of the embryos, and our experienced team takes every precaution to minimize cell loss during the thawing process.

What is the cost of embryo Freezing in India?

The cost of embryo freezing in India can vary significantly based on several factors, such as the geographical location of the clinic or facility, the specific procedures involved, and the individual’s insurance coverage. On average, the cost of freezing embryos typically falls within the range of INR 50,000 to INR 1,00,000, although this can vary depending on the clinic and additional expenses.

It is crucial to keep in mind that insurance coverage for embryo freezing is generally limited, if available at all. Therefore, it is typically considered an out-of-pocket expense for individuals or couples. Before proceeding with the egg freezing procedure, it is advisable to have a discussion about the cost of embryo freezing with a fertility clinic or seek guidance from a financial counselor. This will help provide a clearer understanding of the anticipated expenses and enable appropriate financial planning.

Why Choose Us?
InviCure IVF pioneers fertility treatments with the latest closed-working technique, boosting IVF success rates. Our extensive hospital network aims to offer accessible, top-notch care, ensuring high-quality fertility treatments are available to all. With advanced techniques and a wide reach, we are dedicated to providing the best possible care for individuals and couples seeking fertility solutions, helping them achieve their dreams of starting or expanding their families.
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