InviCure IVF

Egg Freezing

Egg freezing involves the freezing and storage of unfertilized eggs, which can later be thawed, fertilized, and implanted in the woman’s uterus when she decides to conceive. The preserved eggs have the potential to be used in assisted reproductive techniques like in-vitro fertilization (IVF) in the future. Women often opt for egg freezing to safeguard their fertility, especially if they are undergoing medical treatments that may impact their ability to have children, or if they desire to postpone childbearing due to personal or professional considerations.

Why egg freezing is done?

Egg freezing may be performed in a number of circumstances, including:

  1. Age-related fertility decline: Women are born with a finite number of eggs, and as they age, the quality and quantity of their eggs naturally decline. This decrease in fertility becomes more significant after the age of 35. By freezing their eggs at a younger age, women can preserve their eggs in a more optimal state, increasing their chances of successful conception later in life. This is particularly beneficial for women who may not be ready to start a family due to personal or professional reasons.
  2. Medical procedures that could impair fertility: Certain medical treatments, such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy, can have harmful effects on a woman’s eggs and reproductive system. These treatments may be necessary for individuals diagnosed with cancer or other medical conditions. By freezing their eggs before undergoing such procedures, women can safeguard their fertility and have the option to pursue pregnancy with their own eggs in the future.
  3. Risk of premature ovarian failure: Premature ovarian failure is a condition in which a woman’s ovaries stop functioning before the age of 40. This can lead to infertility and early menopause. Women who have a higher risk of premature ovarian failure, whether due to genetic factors or other medical conditions, may choose to freeze their eggs as a means of preserving their fertility. By doing so, they can increase their chances of having biological children later on.

What is the egg freezing procedure?

The egg freezing procedure consists of several steps, including hormone therapy, ultrasound examinations, egg retrieval, and egg freezing. While the specific details may vary depending on individual circumstances, the general process is as follows:

  1. Hormone therapy: The first stage involves stimulating the ovaries to produce multiple eggs. This is typically achieved through the administration of hormones like follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). Hormones can be administered via injections or a patch applied to the skin.
  2. Ultrasound examinations: Regular ultrasound examinations are conducted to monitor the growth and development of the eggs. These exams help the doctor determine the optimal time for egg retrieval.
  3. Egg retrieval: Once the eggs have matured, a surgical procedure is performed to extract them from the ovaries. This procedure is usually carried out under sedation or general anesthesia. A needle is guided through the vagina using ultrasound imaging to reach the ovaries, and the eggs are gently suctioned out from the ovarian follicles.
  4. Egg freezing: After retrieval, the eggs are immediately frozen using a technique called vitrification. This process involves rapidly cooling the eggs to extremely low temperatures, which preserves them in a state of suspended animation. The eggs are carefully placed in a specialized freezing solution and then frozen using liquid nitrogen.
  5. Storage: The frozen eggs are stored in a cryogenic facility until the woman is ready to use them. They can be kept in this frozen state for an extended period without significant degradation.

Factors that impact the success of egg freezing

Several factors can influence the success of egg freezing. These include the age of the woman, the quantity of eggs frozen, the quality of the eggs, and the choice of fertility clinic. Here are some specific considerations:

  1. Age: A woman’s age at the time of egg freezing is a crucial factor. Younger women generally have higher-quality eggs, which have a better chance of surviving the freezing and thawing process, fertilizing successfully, and implanting in the uterus. As women age, the quality of their eggs declines, reducing the likelihood of a successful pregnancy.
  2. Quantity of eggs frozen: The number of eggs frozen can impact the chances of achieving a successful pregnancy. Not all eggs will develop into viable embryos, and not all eggs will survive the freezing and thawing process. Increasing the number of eggs frozen can enhance the chances of having more viable embryos for future use.
  3. Quality of eggs: The quality of the eggs is crucial for successful egg freezing. High-quality eggs have a greater likelihood of surviving the freezing and thawing process, being fertilized, and successfully implanting in the uterus. The assessment of egg quality is typically based on factors such as the appearance of the eggs, the maturity of the egg cells, and the presence of genetic abnormalities.
  4. Choice of fertility clinic: The success rates of egg freezing can vary among different fertility clinics. It is important to select a reputable clinic with a proven track record in egg freezing and other fertility treatments. Factors to consider include the clinic’s expertise, experience, laboratory standards, and the proficiency of the medical team.

What are the possible benefits and risks associated with egg freezing?

Egg freezing offers various advantages, including:

  1. Fertility preservation: By opting for egg freezing, women can preserve their fertility and maintain the option of having children in the future. This is particularly valuable for those who are not currently prepared for parenthood but wish to safeguard their ability to conceive as they age.
  2. Personal and career goals: Egg freezing provides women with the opportunity to focus on personal aspirations and career advancement without the concern of diminishing fertility. It allows them to delay starting a family until they feel ready, empowering them to make choices aligned with their life goals.
  3. Health considerations: Women facing medical conditions that may impact their fertility, such as cancer or autoimmune diseases, may choose to freeze their eggs. This proactive measure allows them to preserve their reproductive options before undergoing treatments that could potentially compromise their fertility. By freezing eggs prior to medical procedures, they can increase their chances of conceiving using their own genetic material later on.

Potential risks and limitations associated with egg freezing

  1. Success rates: The success of egg freezing can vary depending on various factors, such as the age of the woman at the time of egg freezing and the quality of the eggs. Younger women generally have higher success rates, while older women may face reduced chances of successful pregnancy using frozen eggs.
  2. Cost: Egg freezing can be a costly procedure, and the expenses associated with it may not be covered by insurance. The cost of egg freezing include hormone therapy, ultrasound monitoring, surgical procedures, and long-term storage fees.
  3. Hormonal injections: The process of egg freezing involves administering hormonal injections to stimulate the ovaries and promote egg production. These injections can have side effects, including bloating, mood changes, and discomfort. Close monitoring and management by healthcare professionals are necessary to minimize risks and discomfort.
  4. Ethical considerations: Ethical concerns exist surrounding egg freezing, particularly regarding issues of exploitation and coercion. It is crucial to ensure that women are making informed decisions without undue pressure or exploitation, especially considering potential vulnerabilities, such as financial disadvantage.

What is the average cost of egg freezing?

Factors affecting the egg freezing cost includes:

  1. Location: Fertility clinic costs can vary based on the geographic area. In certain regions or countries, the cost of medical procedures and services may be higher or lower, impacting the overall expense of egg freezing.
  2. Number of eggs frozen: The cost may also be influenced by the number of eggs being frozen. Typically, a larger number of eggs may require more medications, monitoring, and procedures, leading to increased costs.
  3. Procedures and medications: The specific protocols and medications used during the egg freezing process can vary, affecting the overall cost. Some medications may be more expensive than others, and certain clinics may use different protocols that can impact the final price.

Additionally, it is important to discuss the cost of egg freezing with a fertility specialist before initiating the process. They can provide a detailed breakdown of the expenses involved and offer guidance on potential financing options or discounts available. Furthermore, it is advisable to inquire about insurance coverage to determine if any portion of the cost may be covered.

Understanding the financial implications of egg freezing and considering all available options can help individuals make informed decisions and plan accordingly for this procedure.

Do’s and Don’t


  1. Do consult with a fertility specialist: It is crucial to seek guidance from a qualified fertility specialist who can assess your individual circumstances, provide personalized advice, and guide you through the egg freezing process.
  2. Do consider your age: Age is an important factor in egg freezing. Generally, the younger you are when freezing your eggs, the higher the chances of success. It is advisable to discuss the optimal timing with your fertility specialist.
  3. Do freeze multiple eggs: Freezing a larger number of eggs increases the chances of having viable eggs for future use. Not all eggs may survive the freezing and thawing process, and not all eggs may result in successful fertilization and pregnancy. Having multiple eggs frozen provides more opportunities for achieving pregnancy later on.
  4. Do take care of your overall health: Maintaining good overall health, including a balanced diet, regular exercise, and managing any existing medical conditions, can contribute to better reproductive outcomes. Prioritize self-care and follow any recommendations provided by your healthcare providers.


  1. Don’t delay the process: While it is important to carefully consider the decision to freeze your eggs, it is also essential not to delay the process unnecessarily. Egg quality and quantity decline with age, so it is generally recommended to pursue egg freezing at a younger age for better chances of success.
  2. Don’t skip the hormone therapy: Hormone therapy is a crucial part of the egg-freezing process. It stimulates the ovaries to produce multiple eggs for retrieval. Skipping or altering the prescribed medication regimen without medical guidance can impact the effectiveness of the procedure.
  3. Don’t ignore any potential health issues: It is important to address any potential health issues before undergoing egg freezing. Pre-existing medical conditions or untreated reproductive disorders can impact the success of the procedure. Consult with your fertility specialist to ensure any necessary health concerns are properly addressed before proceeding.
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InviCure IVF pioneers fertility treatments with the latest closed-working technique, boosting IVF success rates. Our extensive hospital network aims to offer accessible, top-notch care, ensuring high-quality fertility treatments are available to all. With advanced techniques and a wide reach, we are dedicated to providing the best possible care for individuals and couples seeking fertility solutions, helping them achieve their dreams of starting or expanding their families.
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